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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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Curriculum - What We Do And Why

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Our curriculum: 

At Teynham Community Pre -School, we base what the children need to learn around their interests and needs, however we also recognise that to extend on learning and expand knowledge children need to be provided with opportunities to learn and consolidate new learning. At Teynham we call this the intent of the curriculum so what do we want our children to learn? We then implement this using a range of technqiues and learning opportunites, before we then evalaute the impact on the child - what have they learnt? is this learning consolidated? how can we extend this further? What is the next step?

If ther is anything you would like your children to learn or your children have a particular interest then please come and let us know. 




Curriculum - What We Do And Why