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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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Hand Washing

Image result for hand washing

In light of the recent events regarding the coronavirus we are taking extra precautions at Pre -School to ensure that all of the children, staff and parents are kept safe and healthy. 

We always encourage the children to wash their hands anyway before food and after messy play and going to the toilet, however we are going to be reminding children to wash their hands at intervals during the day as well. 

If your child has coughs and sneezes can you please be educating them to put their hand over the mouth and to then wash their hands immediatly after, this can help prevent bugs and viruses spreading throughout the setting. 

We recieve daily updates from the government about the coronavirus and precautions to take, the setting will not close unless the school closes or we are advised to from the government / Local authority. We will of course update parents as soon as this occours. 

In the meantime please keep good hygiene practices up at home and if you need further advice please contact 111 or visit their webpage that will give you some further advice. 

Image result for 111 nhs

Please find a link below with a catchy song that might help your children learn how to thouroughly wash their hands for the advised time of 20 seconds. 

and remember: 

Image result for catch it bin it kill it

 Thank you for supporting us in keeping everyone safe, we will keep you updated as and when we hear any further news. 

Hand Washing