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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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At christmas all the children take part in the Nativity production. We fundraise by selling photos of the children dressed in their costumes, nativity programmes and we also have a Christmas raffle. In December 2023 we raised £475. Thankyou for all your support. All the proceeds will be put back into the pre-school to benefit the children and their learning.


Our pedal power sponsored event is loved by the children and this is normally held during term 1 or 2. The children collect sponsors then during the week they bring their bike or scooter into Pre -School to complete the course on the playground. Staff join in to !!! This has been a great money maker in the past and such a fun event for the children. Each child that takes part will recieve a certificate :) 

 A huge thank you to everyone who supported pedal power October 2023. We raised £243 and have purchased some soft bodied dolls and small world figures.This will help with developing childrens role play and imaginative play.  We are looking to buy a drying rack for our outdoor area and hope to have enough fiunds to purchase this after our Christmas fundraiser. 



The Easter bonnet parade is great traditional fun for the children and parents. We hold it on the Pre -School site and all the children are welcome to participate. Each child makes an Easter bonnet at home with their parents/carers and bring it in to parade it around the garden to all their friends. Parents stay and can take part in the parade or watch with pride as their child shows off their hat. Each child then recieves an Easter treat. We also hold a raffle so parents can win a range of tasty treats and craft materials, with the proceeds of the raffle going back into improving the Pre -School for your children. This year we raised just over £70 and this will go towards repairing the preschool shed roof.  




