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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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The Committee At Teynham Pre-School



Chair: Victoria Bilton 

Treasurer: Katherine Brown

Secretary:  Stefanie Holmes 

Members:  Marta Parker, Kirsty Stevens, Lisa Owens , Lauren Samworth,  


As a registered charity, the pre-school is governed and run by a committee consisting largely of parents and carers of children within the setting (although this isn’t always the case and some have enjoyed their time so much they continued their role well after their child left us for school)!  The committee is responsible for all legal aspects of the business as well as ensuring the day to day running of the pre-school adheres to all current legislation.  It organises all the fundraising events which supports the setting’s financial health and undertakes any work necessary to maintain and upkeep the facility, ensuring the safety and security of all who use it.  To join this very important group of people, please speak to the manager – new members are always needed! 

The committee is made up of various roles which include  the Committee chair, Vice chair, Treasurer, Secretary as well as general committee officers that do not have a specific role.  We ask that willing parents sign up for at least one year (March to March) to avoid disruption.   In order for the charity’s accounts to be accepted and the new committee to be voted on to act on it’s behalf, parents are required to attend the AGM as a quorum is legally required.  This is usually held in March and the actual date will be listed in the “Dates & Events” tab.  Failure to achieve one would result in the committee responsible for the running of the pre-school to not be elected and therefore the setting would have to close so please do try to attend.  This usually occurs shortly after dropping off time and lasts no more than half an hour.

 AGM March 2024

Please find below a list of the paperwork that corresponds to the 2024 AGM, if you have any questions then please talk to Miranda or a member of the committee. We follow the 2011 early years alliance constitution a copy of which can be found below. We are currently looking for new members as some of the children of members currently registered have now moved onto school, if you are interested please step forward to support, we cannot leagally operate without a committee. 

Please click the link to access the paperwork: March 2024.docx report 2024.docx report AGM 2024.docx of year accounts 2023.pdf

2011 Consitution.pdf

 - These will be signed, if you have any questions then please ask 


The Committee At Teynham Pre-School