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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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As part of our safeguarding duty we understand that we need to teach the children about being safe and looking after their bodies when they are not with us. With this in mind we are using guidance from NSPCC and using their very catchy pants song. 

So what does PANTS stand for?? 

P - Privates are private 

A - Always remember your body belongs to you 

N - No means no 

T - Talk about secrets that upset you 

S - Speak up someone can help 

The song will be used in the setting to help us teach your child about what parts of their bodies need to be kept private and most importantly what to do if they are worried about how someone has touched them. 

We understand that as parents this is a tough topic to be teaching such small children but this is why we are using the NSPCC guidance to make sure we get it right. We feel that it is so important that children learn these rules from a young age and early education is the key. 

Please find the link below to take you to the pants song as you will see from viewing the video its a friendly approach and fun but educational for the children: 


See the source image

The link below will take you to the parents guide if you would like a hard copy of this then please let Miranda know:

We hope that you spend some time educating your children on this topic as well as what they will learn with us at Pre -School. 

Any further guidance needed please speak to a member of staff that will be able to point you in the right direction the NSPCC website is also great for general guidance and how to keep our children safe: 
