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Summer Holidays
July 2024

Thankyou to everyone who has supported us throughout the past academic year. It is really appreciated. Hope you all have a lovely summer. 

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Pre-School Handbook

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Staff Training

Staff training and development: 

An important aspect of what we do is ensuring that we always stay upto date so our knowledge is fresh and relevant. We also like to try new training to bring new ideas to the Pre- School about how children learn and develop. There are also statutory courses that we need to undertake to ensure that we can deal with any safeguarding concerns (see safeguarding tab) and first aid etc. 

Below you will find a list of  what our staff team have been working towards this year, if you have any questions or would like some more information on how the training has impacted the setting then please ask and we would be happy to share our learning with you. 


October 2023

Louise attended training on English as an additional language. We have a few children who have English as an additional language and this training enabled us to refresh practice and to ensure we were putting support in place for these children. 

 January 2024

All staff watched a recorded webinar about children's behaviour as communication. This was done together as a group so we could discuss the webinair and what we could do to improve our practice and the environment to support the children. From this training we created a cosy cube for the children as a place where they could go to be calm or sit and chat with a friend. 

February 2024

Miranda & Alison attended the online training about the BBC's tiny happy people's website. This website has some great activities for all children and is a brilliant resource to signpost parents to so they can support children with their learning and development. Lots of other proffessionals also use and promote this website. 

Alison also attended a course on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to gain an understanding of the disorder and support parents and children. This is also useful knowledge for Alisons SENCO role.  

May 2024 

All staff attended the Making Sense of Autism training that was provided through the Autism Education Trust. This was delivered virtually and was nice for the team to refresh and feel confident that we are doing the best for all children. 

July 2024

Alison and Tinahave completed the Early Years Proffessional Development program and this has helped to re-cap and refresh on knowledge and also bring some new ideas into the setting. 


Staff Training